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Atlanta Scales

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Heavy Capacity Scale Equipment

What is effective scale ownership?

As a scale owner, there are multiple considerations to keep in mind for effective, safe scale management. Three key factors to ensure maximum performance throughout the lifecycle of the scale are scale cleanliness, traffic control, and awareness.

Keeping your scale clean

For safe and effective use, the scale must be clean and free of debris accumulation. Foreign materials can often obstruct the necessary centering movements of the scale modules. Debris can include:
  • Spilled goods and materials (gravel, corn, scrap metal, etc.)
  • Ice and snow
  • Standing water (occurs when drainage systems are not working properly)
  • Mud, dirt, and sand

Ensuring appropriate traffic control

Traffic on and off the scale should be careful and controlled. Your scale supplier can provide recommendations for entry and exit speeds based on your application. Most importantly, maintaining appropriate traffic and truck speeds ensure the safety of the driver, the truck, and those working nearby. Additionally, hard stops and starts on the scale can inflict heavy wear on the scale components and foundation, leading to unnecessary expenses related to inaccurate weight results and scale breakdowns.

Preventing scale system failure

Smart scale ownership means developing an understanding of the scale itself. Over time, parts such as load cell receivers, checking system components, and suspension linkages need to be replaced to prevent system failure. With a professional scale, the technician can evaluate the situation and ensure that the parts get replaced correctly.